Podcast Services
A podcast can be a powerful avenue for communicating your message to your target audience and is a fantastic tool to promote what you offer. Being a podcaster will help position you as an expert in your field, which will, in turn, help you to build a client list of fans that already know, like and trust you. With a podcast, you can share your ideas, thoughts and solutions with potential customers in an easily-consumable format. In addition, a podcast is also a great way to build authority and credibility with potential buyers.
Now here are some stats to objectively validate the value of podcasting. 41% of people in the USA tune into a podcast every month and 28% do it weekly. That equates to approximately 136.1 million monthly podcast listeners and 92.9 million weekly podcast listeners. Households with $100,000 to $150,000 income account for about 17% of the total monthly podcast listeners in the USA, and 51% of monthly podcast listeners have a full-time job while 25% have a college degree.
In short, podcasting can be a profitable addition to your personal brand or business by providing your target audience with content that they value. Providing that value to your audience motivates them to partake in your products, services, sponsors, etc.
1 hr
150 US dollars1 hr
250 US dollars1 hr
725 US dollars- Read More
• Audio • 1 - 1080p HD Podcast Episode with 3 Camera Angle • 4 - 60 to 90Social Media Clips
1 hr
1,500 US dollars - Read More
• Audio • 4 - 1080p HD Podcast Episodes with 3 Camera Angle • 4 - 60-90Social Media Clips each Ep.
1 hr
5,000 US dollars